
Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Week 5: Anti-War and The American Conservative

So I looked into
Now, I consider myself to be a relatively intelligent person, obviously acknowledging the fact that there's never a limit of knowledge to learn, but I have to admit what I did today. See below...


And I have to admit, it took me scrolling through the first few search results to understand the problem with this logic.

If you haven't caught on yet, the flaw in this reasoning is that because the government *MIGHT* be controlling the media, I obviously wouldn't find anything on it because they would stop it from being easy to find... Just like how Dr. Smith is suggesting that there is a reason why we don't hear about anti-war opinions in the media.

I myself have always been anti-war, but I was always led to believe by the way other people talked about it, that it was a lack of patriotism on my end. If it were ever brought up to someone who had a relative or friend who served, they would turn it on me, making it seem like just because I was anti-war, I was insinuating that men who have died at war for our country had died for nothing.

Oh my goodness, just because I am anti-war does not mean that I think the men that have died for our country did it all for nothing. I honor their sacrifice, by being the best citizen I can be, and being active in the future of our country.

I wonder, in the same way that people who don't like the negative side of politics don't vote, the anti-war population doesn't look into anti-war opinions because it is discouraging to find the pro-war opinions. I know for myself, that I can't stand watching the news, because it upsets me, so I typically don't know what is going on with our military. I guess even though I am anti-war I had never thought about it.

This post was particularly hard for me to write, not only because of the vulnerability, but the fact that in the last post, I defended Google and Facebook because we "give" them their power. However, we give the government/media its power, but there still should be checks and balances on both. What will we have to do to be rid of this propaganda?


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