
Thursday, May 7, 2020

Week 14: Privacy

This week, I watched videos from TED conferences on online privacy, and lack of privacy from the government. I have a tough time with this one, because I was relatively aware of this problem, and sometimes think about it when I'm at a stoplight, like who might be watching me. But the question stands, what exactly does the government want with my information anyways, if I am a stand up citizen?
I have this crazy battle in my head, and I ask myself this all the time. Yes, it's pretty creepy that the government has our information, but I still don't quite get what they are using it for? And on that note, why do we even need to fill out a census anyways? Is that all for show? (I filled out the census for the first time this year and it was a little underwhelming, but exciting). I'm still trying to grasp what the danger is. Maybe a hacker would get that information and use it to harass me.
I guess the real problem is that originally governments were created to protect their people and keep things running smoothly, they shouldn't need private information about us to keep us safe.


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