
Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Week 11: Eight Values of Free Expression: Individual Self-Fulfillment

I chose to talk about Individual Self-Fulfillment (aka self-actualization) this week. I did some separate research on this, specifically in the terms of Psychology.

An article I found by Psychology Today and found that a man named Abraham Maslow puts self-actualization as #5 on his psychological hierarchy of needs, meaning that once all other basic needs have been fulfilled, the final step is to reach your full personal potential.

The article goes on to say that "Maslow identified self-actualizing people as individuals who are highly creative, who have peak experiences, and who are able to resolve the dichotomies inherent in opposite contraries such as those constituted by “freedom and determinism," “the conscious and the unconscious," as well as “intentionality and a lack of intentionality.”"

Essentially Maslow sees creativity as being one of the main traits of someone who has reached self-actualisation.

This value really stuck out to me. As a communication major, I often feel like my projects and passions are what makes me, me. I also have a firm belief that we should use our platforms to spread messages of meaning and value.

I think it goes along with the phrase "If you love what you do you'll never work a day in your life". I can easily say that the one time in my life where I felt the most productive and fulfilled was when I was studying abroad, and creating new content with my friends every day. Where I felt comfortable with the uncomfortable, and not knowing what was next. I think that the concept of free speech giving you the ability to be autonomous and have dignity holds true especially in this society where every person gets a platform, with social media. It definitely is a monumental step in the history of our country.

And the reality is, that people still post whatever they want, even if they know no one else may read it or care. As humans we have a desire to express ourselves.

I spent a long time trying to figure out what this value means, but I realized that there isn't a right answer here, and it's more about what it means to me.

This is Nathaniel Drew. It's safe to say he is my favorite Youtuber. He has spent the better part of his adult life traveling the world learning languages and experiencing new cultures, and I felt like these two videos really pertained to this topic, and inspire me. I don't know Nathaniel personally, but in my mind he has reached self-actualization.

This first video is called "How to Create the Life You Want (And Find Your North Star)", and talks about what it means to feel fulfilled, and like you are doing the right thing. It is definitely worth the watch, if not for the intellectual content, then for the incredible footage and editing.

This video is called "For People Feeling Lost in Life", and I think that this is something for someone who doesn't know where to start. For someone who has the desire to feel self-fulfilled, but feels lost in the process.

I hope that my thoughts resonate with you, but I think that what is important is what it means to the individual, and what is special about the Eight Values of Free Expression, is that they are interpreted differently by each person.


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