
Monday, March 9, 2020

Week 1: A Little Introduction...

I figured if you've made it this far, you might want to know a little bit more than the basic "about me" tab on the side. I like telling people my story, because it's definitely not cookie cutter (much like other people's at HPU). I take pride in not having it easy, and maybe it's stubborn of me, but I know I'm coming out better on the other side.
Like I said, I am a first semester senior in college, from a suburb of Minneapolis. To be more specific, I am from the first established town in Minnesota, Stillwater. A place where the country is a lot closer to the city than the middle of nowhere, and public education is better than private. A magical place, really. Somewhere I had been trying to run from my entire life, and now I long for every day.
Just to add an educational element to this post, I can tell you a little about the history of Stillwater.
In 1848, the first territorial convention to make Minnesota a state was held on Stillwater's Main Street, as well as one of the largest lumber mills in the country was based in Stillwater. You may have seen this famous painting, which is actually a mural hidden away on a side street in Downtown Stillwater.

I like to think of the logging industry as being a catalyst for communication, big riverboats going down the river, carrying people with a mix of experiences and of course mail and freight too. I know it wasn't, because of disease and cold winters, but life seemed much simpler then. Here's a picture of my beautiful home town in autumn...

Sorry if I got carried away with that, I just love how much history is in my little town, and it's a huge part of what makes me, me!

I am in school for Strategic Communication, but I was originally admitted into HPU on a music scholarship. I sang classical music, and also participated in a capella, as well as the choral department. I soon realized that if I pursued music, that I would want it to be music education, and it wasn't something to be pursued at HPU. So I stuck it out and did my own thing and now, I go to school part time for Strategic Communication, and work two jobs, and pay for my own apartment. I went abroad, and worked full time in between, and am doing things on my own schedule. Things almost never go as planned :).